Balázs Fábián

Managing Director,
VT Elektro-PLAST Kft.


He was born in 1978 in Balassagyarmat. Following his studies in an electronics-oriented secondary school, he graduated as an electrical engineer from Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2001, and a year later he obtained his master’s degree in IT engineering at the same university.
After having widened his professional knowledge in different fields in various domestic companies, in 2003 he joined VIDEOTON Elektro-PLAST Kft. as a plastic and tool business unit manager. A year later he was appointed to the deputy managing director of the company. Beside his job, in 2007 he graduated from Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Master of Business Administration (MBA) where he mastered the necessary strategic approach to management activities.
From 2010 he acted as a business development director, working on the extension of existing co-operations with multinational partners as well as setting-up new business relationships with potential customers and suppliers. He was appointed to the managing director of VIDEOTON Battery Technologies Kft. in 2014 and of VIDEOTON Elektro-PLAST Kft. in 2015.
His primary areas include business development, customer relations, engineering and IT services, as well as infrastructure-related developments in the Kaposvár and Marcali sites.
His wife is also an employee of VIDEOTON, they live in Kaposvár with their two children. In his spare time he is engaged in riding a motorcycle and flying an airplane, his sphere of interest in electronics-related.